- Company aims to commercialize Korea’s largest 5.56MW offshore wind power system
- Expanding the mid-to-large size lineup following launch of 3MW system
- □ Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction (DHIC) announced on July 1 that it had become the first Korean company to receive the “Type Certificate” for its 5.56W offshore wind power system from the UL DEWI-OCC, an international certification agency. The new system boasts of having the largest capacity of any model in Korea’s wind power market.
- □ A Type Certificate is issued after a comprehensive evaluation of the system’s design, performance test of both the parts and finished product, and evaluation of the related manufacturing facilities and quality management system.
- □ DHIC successfully commercialized the 5.56MW system after conducting two years of R&D work since its acquisition of the 5.5MW wind power technology in 2017. The model has already been operating for about five years in the Jeju Gimnyeong Demonstration Complex. It demonstrated its excellent stability by operating without a hitch even during the typhoon Chaba, which had recorded the fourth largest ever daily instantaneous wind speed of 56.5m/s in October 2016.
- □ Sungwon Kim, CEO of DHIC’s Plant EPC BG, said, “This certification is significant in that it has laid the groundwork for our domestic technologies to initiate the government’s ‘New & Renewable Energy 3020 Policy.’ DHIC aims to contribute to expanding the presence of domestic equipment in the domestic power market in which imported products currently account for more than half the market share.”
- □ DHIC was selected as the contractor for the national project to develop an 8MW large-capacity offshore wind power system by the Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning last year, and is currently managing the design, manufacturing and demonstration stages with the goal of commercializing the model in 2022.
- □ DHIC has participated in the Tamra Offshore Wind Farm (30MW) and Seonam Offshore Wind Farm (60MW) projects among others, accumulating a supply record of 236.5MW (78 units as of June 2019) in the process.